Prioritizing Mental Health


Josie Wenzell

Claire Ferguson, featured far left, paints with friends on a Saturday night.

Mental health may seem obsolete, but in fact, speaks great volumes in individuals lives’ as something that should be prioritized. One’s mental state affects mood, interactions with others, performance in activities, and overall personality. There are numerous ways to combat negative energy and outlets to boost self esteem.

One of these ways to boost self esteem is by writing. Writing is a way to express feelings, without them having to be verbally communicated. In some cases, writing something down is a way to normalize a situation, thus making it easier to share aloud. Closing off and keeping those feelings inside can be unhealthy as they manifest or disturb the normal thought process. After writing the article for Women’s Health by Erin Rooney concluded,

“Writing also allows people to regulate their emotions and break out of the cycle of rumination, which can be very harmful and cause stress,” said Rooney.

A life changing event does not need to endure to feel the need to write down emotions. Anyone can write whenever they want to. The struggles of everyday life are enough to record emotions. This does not mean the writing has to be organized, it could even just be a list of things recently on the mind. A common writing technique is “stream of consciousness”. This type of writing is directly jotting down one’s thoughts with no filter.

Some students at Adams use writing as a way to de-stress. One of these students is a Sophomore named Claire Ferguson,

“When you don’t want to ‘trouble’ others with your issues, you can write them down. You can write for as long as you need, and write as much as you need too, without directly sharing with another person. It’s also good to look back at where you were you were at a certain point in your life. Writing can capture self growth. You can get lost within your own mind which most people aren’t lucky enough to experience,” said Ferguson.

Josie Wenzell
Writing is a way to express yourself, without verbalizing your thoughts and feeling to another person. Sometimes writing can even help an individual open up on how they are feeling.

Another way to reduce stress is by drawing or painting. A study conducted by Girija Kaimal, assistant professor of Creative Arts Therapies at Drexel University, found that,

“45 minutes of creative activity significantly lessens stress in the body, regardless of artistic experience or talent,” said Kaimal.

You do not need to be Picasso to relieve stress. After the study showed promising results she published the book called, “Reduction of Cortisol Levels and Participants’ Responses Following Art Making”.

One of the many ways therapy patients go about their sessions is by painting, drawing, or any kind of art form. Directly speaking with a therapist one-on-one is not always a beneficial method for everyone. Using a creative medium is a way to maximize your well-being. Many millenials, like Ferguson, feel the same way, with the pressures of everyday life. Boosting the mindset and creating a more positive attitude allows for a healthier way of life.