The Covid Vaccine Strikes Controversy
The first vaccination officially approved by the government
The recent push for the covid vaccine is finally available for more than half of the country. Even though the vaccine is meant to stop the COVID pandemic, many citizens in the US will not be getting the vaccine.
The United States released the vaccine to the public on December 14, 2020. The United States government is rolling out the vaccine into five categories or waves to the public, based on age group and autoimmune disorders. Essential workers, teachers, and healthcare personnel were selected for the first wave. Currently, the fourth wave in the process, and by the end of July, the vaccine will be accessible to everyone.
There are many concerns about the possible effects the vaccine could have on individuals, more specifically to those who have underlying health conditions. What are some of the side effects? Coming directly from The Centers for Disease Control, the common side effects include pain at the injection site, fatigue, muscle aches or pain, joint pain, and headache. Depending on the vaccine given, individuals could suffer from potential fevers, which is short-lived according to the most recent test. This may be too worrisome for some who would rather not get the shot but would rather chance of contracting the virus.
“The stories I have already heard from friends and family scared me. I have also had asthma since I was a kid, which is another large worry of mine,” stated Tracy Gurizzian, a prior healthcare worker, who does not want to get the vaccine.
A large population in the U.S. are fans of the vaccine and believe the effectiveness of it. On April 1st, the CDC has officially recorded that 56,089,614 Americans have been fully vaccinated; about 16.9 percent of the country’s population. Individuals consider taking it to reduce the risk of having complications related to contracting COVID-19 and help not only the U.S, but the world reach herd immunity.
“For the past two weeks, I have been fully vaccinated. The day after I was given my first shot, my body was very sore, and mentally I was drained. The following day I woke up back to normal. I had no reactions or implications with my second shot. My stress has decreased tremendously, yet I still follow safety protocols,” Sandy Resovskey explained after being a part of the first wave of vaccines.
As time goes on, companies want to progress their vaccine and make it as effective as possible. They want to be more prepared in case of another outbreak. Even though the coronavirus vaccines were developed more quickly than other vaccines in the past, they have been carefully tested and continue to be monitored. The U.S. vaccine safety system works to make sure that all vaccines are as safe as possible. Before vaccines are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), scientists test them extensively to ensure they are safe and to know all side effects it may have.
As the future becomes reality, the United States and the rest of the world are pushing to stop this epidemic. The availability of vaccines shows the U.S and other countries are showing progress in the battle against covid.