Confident or Conceited?
Teenage girl from Adams weighs herself on a scale
Confidence: some people are blessed with it, and some people lack it. Just log on to any social media site, and there will be a multitude of photos of seemingly perfect models. Girls today obsess over their body image and their weight, sometimes leading them to adopt unhealthy eating habits.
When people talk about “body issue” problems, they focus mainly on “bigger girls” and the problems they have, but many people ignore skinny girls and how they receive heat for being “too skinny”. Telling someone to “eat a burger” or to “put some meat on your bones!” is just as rude as telling someone not to eat or to go to the gym.
The world of Tumblr, a blogging site, is all about boosting self-esteem and making everyone feel accepted. If, however, girls and boys appear to be happy with the way they look, people on the site don’t always react in the best way. They sometimes will criticize this confident person simply to make others feel better. Making people feel bad about how they look is never okay, even if the person seems completely confident in him or herself.
The people of this site preach about being happy and being nice to everyone, but when it comes to seemingly perfect people, the “be nice to everyone” rule suddenly doesn’t apply. People forget that skinny people get just as much hate for being too skinny as bigger people get for being overweight. Emma Woolf, author of An Apple a Day and The Ministry of Thin, was once anorexic. She was constantly told to “put some meat on her bones.” Guilting people into eating because they’re too skinny is just as bad as telling a fat person not to eat anything. Everyone has a different idea of perfection.
Singers have been addressing this issue as well. Singer Nicki Minaj takes the stance of bashing skinny girls in her hit song, “Anaconda”,whereas artist Meghan Trainor sings about how everyone is perfect in their own way in her song, “All About That Base”.
When overweight people are down on themselves about their weight, they are told “men like something to grab onto!” While having curves is great, having no curves is okay too! Once you become “comfortable with yourself, your life will become easier,” said senior Robin Daniels, but then added, “It’s an easy thing to say, but a hard thing to do.”
Glamour Magazine challenged their readers to go a full day without having a single negative thought about their body. Ninety-seven percent admitted to having at least one body hating moment.
Being confident in your own skin is difficult, and how you express confidence shouldn’t matter. If people are happy with their appearance, no one should be able to take that away from them. “Work with what you have-however much or little you have,” said junior Jack Walsh.
Once people decide, “I like myself and that’s what matters,” a world of possibilities opens up. “Everyone is fab and fierce, no matter what!” said Junior Dylan Genouw.
Fat-shaming is unacceptable and is slowly stopping, but skinny-shaming is increasingly happening as well. No matter what size pants a person wears, it in no way determines their self worth. Learn to love everyone for who they are and not for how they look. If everyone stopped caring so much about how others dress and how much they weigh, the world would be a much better place.
Accepting your own body – thick, skinny, curvy or no curves – loving who you are makes people the happiest. We come in all shapes and sizes and that is the beauty of it all.