A Longer Mid-Winter Break Means More R&R
The dreariness of a Michigan winter can wear on students who look forward to a much needed mid-winter break.
Is two-days enough time to classify a break as a wellness weekend?
Although it is a good thing that Rochester Community Schools views the health of kids, teachers, and families as a priority, many feel that two days away from the stress of high school is not enough in the way of “getting well”.
However, the reason for the short break appears to be some restrictions when determining the school calendar. REA President, Doug Hill explained that “Midwinter Break is only two days (and some years been as few as one) because of a few outside forces that help dictate our school calendar in Rochester Community Schools. The first is the fact that districts are required by state law to have 180 days of student instruction. The second is a state law that requires a minimum of 1,098 hours of students instruction annually. The third is a state law that requires local school districts to begin school after the Labor Day holiday each fall,” said Hill.
Other legitimate factors also play a roll in scheduling school breaks, but considering mid-winter break is the only break between winter break and spring break, the main issue with students and some parents is that a longer mid-winter break would allow students the opportunity to travel and relax.
This break is not enough time for students to get out of the cold weather in Michigan and enjoy a small vacation. There are some students that travel during this time, but they end up taking the rest of the week off school as well creating more problems with makeup work and stress on teachers to accommodate missing students.
“It’s not typical spring time, so traveling would be cheaper. Also, it is freezing here, so this is an opportunity to get out of the cold weather,” said senior Alexa Fenchack.

A four-day weekend is not enough time for students to take time for themselves.
Mid-winter break is a good idea and could be a time for students to relax. It is the first break after the start of the second semester, and if increased, students would be able to “get their lives together”, and potentially settle in to the new semester with a refreshed approach and attitude. Many start the semester semi-stressed after finishing exams and have to start a new semester. By having a longer break students will begin the new semester less stressed. Students can use this time to watch TV, spend time with friends, as well as enjoy some time not worrying about school.
“If mid-winter break was longer, I would be able to take more time for myself and not have to worry about school. This will make me feel more relaxed coming into the second semester,” said junior Nandini Kommineni.
It is also a good time for students to take time for themselves that is not hindered by the holidays. The holidays are stressful because of all the holiday parties and seeing family that does not live in town and come in for the holidays. The mid-winter break could be a time students could take for themselves making themselves the priority.
Mid-winter break should be a time for students. Whether is it is getting out of Michigan or spending time at home, anything to take their mind off of school and four days does not do it.
Hopefully, at some point, scheduling allows for longer breaks, and even though it is difficult to fit in the calendar or manage these breaks, there becomes a way to make it happen.