One Pint Saves Three Lives


Photo by: Kelly Chang

Student Council creates a banner to encourage participation in the blood drive.

Eating cookies and juice is an activity usually associated with a kindergarten.These activities are ones that allow us to reminisce on our childhood. Similarly, on February 9, Adams students will be enjoying these snacks after donating blood throughout the day.  

In coordination with the American Red Cross, Student Council has organized a blood drive.  To donate blood, students must meet the required specifications for height and weight ratios. Students under 18 need parental permission to donate. Males five foot or taller need to weigh at least 110 pounds; females five foot or taller need to weigh 138 pounds.

“[The American Red Cross] comes in at around six in the morning, and they set everything up, like the tables that the donors lay on and the information tables in the waiting area. It goes all day with people coming in and out throughout the day,” said senior Student Council member Allie Ziniti.

Other members of Student Council also help throughout the day. They assist with different tasks to keep things running smoothly with the blood drive.

“Student Council kids work, check donors in, and get them off the tables, and get them juice,” said Ziniti.

The blood drive has been going on for four or five years, according to Ziniti.

“It is a selfless act. By donating, you’re saving three lives,” said Ziniti.