Painting the Way of the Future

Sophia Gale

A flyer hanging in Adams High to advertise the Reflections Contest.

Every year the Rochester Community Schools District holds its annual Reflections Contest for students interested in the world of the arts. This year the theme was I Will Change The World By…, and students were able to show off their talent through dance choreography, film production, literature, music production, photography, visual arts, and special arts. 

However, many students from Adams High School were not able to enter the contest this year because of the uncertainty of whether the contest would run. Adams art teacher, Amy Limon, typically enters her students into the contest. 

“This year’s contest was very last minute. Every time, I try to help with planning the contest. This year, I did not help or get enough information in time to enter my students,” said Limon. “Normally I enter a few students per class, but this year I didn’t enter any kids because they wouldn’t have enough time to work on their projects.”

The reflections contest is run by the PTA members of Rochester Community Schools and art teachers throughout the district. Every year, art teachers select a handful of students they think would excel in the competition, and students are then given the option to enter. If the students participate, he or she will then start working on an entry. Many students find they push themselves to think beyond what they normally would when making art.

Artwork that Adams students in Mrs. McGowan and Mrs. Limon’s class created this school year. (Sophia Gale)

“I have been doing the Reflections Contest since kindergarten or first grade. I love to make art. The contest always has a set theme, and I think it does push me to think more about my art. I normally draw or paint based on what I’m feeling, but when there is a theme, it pushes me beyond what I am used to,” said Adams senior, Mena Nasiri.

Students are allowed to participate in the contest for multiple years in a row, as Nasiri did. Since the contest’s theme changes yearly, students need to find a new idea for what to create. Many students who have had work displayed in the contest consecutively have submitted different types of artwork. Nasiri has submitted paintings, drawings, writing pieces, and many other forms of art. 

Hopefully, students will get to participate in the Reflections Contest next year to get a chance to have their artwork displayed and for it to be viewed by the community.