When Rivals Crash

Nathan Feidner

Andrea Waac bunting the ball.

Determination and hard work are the words that best sum up the Adams Girls Varsity Softball Team to take away after their game on Tuesday, May 1, against Stoney Creek High School. The game started off with an early scoring run for the Adams girls softball team putting them up one to zero. Stoney struck back scoring another run early on in the bottom of the first inning. The score stayed tied during the second inning with neither team giving an inch, but everything fell apart when in the bottom of the third. Stoney Creek got their game going and began scoring run after run taking a strong five point lead over the Adams girls. After the top of the fourth Adams struggled with getting on base and was not able to strike back against Stoney Creek. The bottom of the fourth Stoney continued with scoring two more runs to extend their lead to seven points.

“We didn’t adjust to the pitcher we waited for the pitcher to adjust to us,” said junior Brynna Garden.

Sarah Judis getting ready to pitch.

Even though Adams was down they never gave up they made some changes to their batting lineup and was able to score a run. At the bottom of the fifth, Adams also made a pitching change and was able to hold Stoney Creek to no points. With things supposedly looking up for the Adams in the sixth inning, Stoney Creek stepped up keeping Adams from scoring. Then as if things could not fall apart more, Stoney Creek pulled it together and scored two more runs to put the Adams in mercy range. Unfortunately, the Adams girls were unable to score another run to prevent the mercy and lost in the seventh inning.

“Throwing the ball around and not being able to get the outs that we needed led to many mistakes,” said senior Alexa Fenchak.

While it was a disappointing loss for the Adams girls they never gave up there was a lot of positives in their performance they played a great game. With a little more work they can become the best team in the league moving forward. Most importantly this is one game of many. One loss can sometimes be better than a win, because it can help them learn from their mistakes.