This past Friday, September 15th, Adams High School hosted its annual Gold Rush tailgate. The event began at 4 P.M. and included countless activities for all ages: inflatables, rock climbing, carnival games, face painting, food trucks, and more. The tailgate was immediately followed by the Adams varsity football game against Oxford High School.
Gold Rush, a theme commonly showcased in the Adams student section, has been a tradition for many years. Showing school spirit through Adams colors is a big hit for students and families.
In the past year, the Gold Rush student section underwent a major transformation. Adams teacher Bryan Lindstrom created the Gold Rush Club as a way to organize and improve the student section. The club is open to any Adams student interested in joining.
“We wanted to get more people to be part of it…We’re trying to get people to go to more events, besides just football. We try to say for each season, show up to four events. We’re trying to get people out for volleyball, girls swim, and cross country,” said Lindstrom.
The changes Lindstrom has made are an effort to ultimately better the student section. Having an organized and strong student section is just one way of showcasing “Highlander pride.” Even though it is still early in the year, the changes have no doubt increased the level of school spirit in Adams students.
“I don’t know that we’ve seen much of it yet, since it’s still football season, but we’ve seen it at soccer games. We’ve had a much better turnout for boys soccer. We had an away [boys soccer] game at Stoney [Creek High School] and our student section had a larger student section than Stoney. I think it’s been this effort to get to more stuff,” said Lindstrom.
School spirit is not only important on game day, but everyday when walking through the front doors of Adams High School. For Adams senior Olivia Dance, school spirit is practiced not only with spirit wear, but with attitude.
“I show school spirit by being proud of my school… not only wearing school spirit but knowing that when you are, you’re representing the school and having good character when you are representing Adams. I think that is a good way to show school spirit,” said Dance.

Gold rush is not only an event, it unifies the Adams community. Students, staff members, and families all come together for the community tailgate.
“It has been a great community, and it is more than just a tailgate. People of all ages come to the Gold Rush tailgate to have fun and get to know each other. It’s a place where we’re all family,” said Dance.
Whether it’s football games, spirit weeks, or pep assemblies, school spirit is an invaluable part of the Adams community. The event is the perfect way of bringing in the entire community to celebrate Adams High School and Highlander pride.