What to Watch 2018


Maddy Fleury

Junior Claire Sanford binge-watches Stranger Things at lunch in the Adams Cafeteria.

In teen culture, binge-watching television series after series can become something of a habit. From watching a show while doing homework to watching new episodes in the bathroom, it is easy to become addicted to the emotional rollercoaster of modern-day dramas. Networks like ABC, Freeform, HBO, and MTV are filled with exciting original series that most definitely deserve their high ratings and millions of fans.


13-year-old Archie Andrews has an utter passion for music, but after ending a relationship with his music mentor he is left without anyone to teach him. When Veronica Lodge comes to town, she and Archie have instant chemistry. Meanwhile, a mystery haunts this small-town: the recent tragic death of Jason Blossom, the twin brother of the gorgeous and well-liked troublemaker, Cheryl. With the twists and turns involved in this whodunit case, characters struggle to keep their town safe.

Riverdale has some juicy characters and a really good plot line,” said sophomore Fernanda Camacho.

Riverdale is a mystery-filled hit with relatable characters and situations that seem unimaginable for average teens. This fresh drama will leave viewers on the edge of their seats weekly.

13 Reasons Why

Hannah Baker seemed to be a typical teenage girl facing the ups and downs of high school. When she decides to take her own life in a seemingly sudden manner, her former love interest Clay Jensen discovers tapes she made just before she died, each containing stories about the people who hurt her. As the show unfolds, Clay, along with his peers, listen to the tapes and slowly uncover just why Hannah did what she did.

Though the message in this Netflix original hit is quite heavy, it teaches today’s youth an important life lesson about acceptance, sympathy, and understanding.

Stranger Things

Joyce Byers was an average American mom before her 12-year-old son, Will, disappeared suddenly. In a desperate attempt to find her beloved child, she launches an investigation with the police and uncovers a strange mystery filled with supernatural forces and strange occurrences.

“Stranger things is an amazing and unique show that has a concept that has never been used before. I am addicted to it and would highly recommend it to anyone who loves trying to solve mysteries,” said junior Katie Miller.

This crazy plot is seeping the nations in popularity, and kids and adults everywhere cannot seem to keep it out of their conversations. Watch to find out how the impossible is made possible in a town where strangeness becomes even stranger..

Greys Anatomy

Meredith Grey has spent her entire life in school studying to become a doctor. When she begins her surgical residency at Seattle Grace Hospital, she faces the ups and downs of practicing medicine, along with the complications of her love affair with the head of neurosurgery, Doctor Derek Shepherd. With a seven year surgical residency comes great responsibility, fierce competition, heartbreak, passions, and a burning desire to learn and save lives.

For the doctors at Seattle Grace, the action, conflicts, and romantic drama never seems to stop. This popular show is in the middle of it’s fourteenth season, and it never seizes to be a hit.

Maddy Fleury
Kids often use their computers to stream their favorite series, like Grey’s Anatomy.

Black Mirror

In a modern version of “The Twilight Zone,” Netflix introduces a new series about a mysterious, high-tech world where dark innovations are brought to life. Each episode contains a new plot line and a new set of characters, and each twisted experience toys with viewers minds as the characters try to piece conflicts together.

“I love black mirror because it shows how many people are so caught up in technology and how so many things have the potential to be successful, but end up being corrupt,” said junior Andrea Zorrilla.

For fans of the twilight zone, these types of incomprehensible storylines are instant classics. When T.V. networks find ways to revive such mysterious and eerie plots, both old and new audiences can find enjoyment.  

The Fosters

Devoted police officer Stef and her wife Lena have built a family including Stef’s son Brandon and their two adopted twins, Mariana and Jesus. When Lena meets Callie, a young girl with a troubled past, she temporality invites her into their home. When the Foster family notices Callie seeming desperate for some help, they continue to take care of her and put up with her negative commentary. As Callie uncovers secrets about the family and struggles to survive the social strains of high school, she begins to figure out who she is and what it means to have people who care.

Although a show like this contains a subject matter that most kids of Rochester Hills cannot relate to, obtaining knowledge about various walks of life can be useful in future aspirations around the world.

With SAT season rolling around, taking a study break and enjoying some thrilling episodes of a hit series is a great reliever. When it comes to escaping reality and becoming infatuated with relatable fictional characters, these shows are sure to hit the spot.