Logging On to a New Year
Senior Kelly Chang logs on to the school wifi using her phone.
As a new school year begins, so does a new technological era for Adams High School. Passed last November and to be implemented this year is a new wifi service, part of the bond monies received by the school district.
“District wide, all of the buildings got an upgrade with the wifi. We had one before […] but it wasn’t capable of supporting a whole bunch of devices,” said Principal Kevin Cumming.
With more and more devices using the wifi, such as student phones and laptops, a change was needed to support the technology.
“The new wifi has more capacity to allow more access to all of the devices,” said Cumming.
Mr. Cumming sees this change as beneficial to the school, and its future in usable technologies. The wifi requires students to enter their email in order to use the wifi provided.
“I am glad the school is upgrading to better wifi. It’s refreshing to have a good connection throughout the school,” said Senior Limmy Kim.