California Bill Promotes Student Athlete Endorsement Rights
The University of Southern California football team
Should college athletes be compensated for the revenue they draw in for their respective schools? Does their participation in athletics deserve both a free ride and a paycheck?
Some college students have petitioned for their rights to getting endorsements and advertisements. They realize that their universities are making millions of dollars, and it is unfair. California is the first state to pick up on this debate and has begun to push for a change in student’s rights.
“Every single student in the university can market their name, image and likeness; they can go and get a YouTube channel, and they can monetize that. The only group that can’t are athletes. Why is that?” asked Governor of California, Gavin Newsom.

Governor Gavin Newsom at a press conference about the new bill he signed on September 30th, 2019
On September 30, 2019 college athletes will be able to profit off their own endorsement deals. California Governor Gavin Newsom signed the bill for players to get endorsement deals, hire agents to gain profit, and make money while going to school. Many people think that this law will be a huge step into the future and reshape the NCAA’s rules on student athletes. Unfortunately, this law will not be put into place until 2023 since it’s such a big change.
Some people argue that school is for education. ¨You go to school in order to get an education… Why do schools even have sports? Because you learn so much from sports. You learn about adversity, you learn about getting along with other people, you’re learning about teamwork and being unselfish. All these qualities will carry over. You ask almost everyone who ever played athletics how much they learned and that’s why we have them. We don’t have them for money,̈ said Ryan Gaydos.
But, many people believe that it’s about time that athletes get paid for their work; “I think they should be allowed to get money through endorsements and sponsors. College football is a multi billion dollar company, and players should get some money for playing,” said junior Andrew Jankowski.
“I think it’s a good thing because college students need money and they don’t have time to get a real job since they are playing sports at such high levels. Also, they are working just as hard of NFL athletes so they deserve something out of it,” said junior Lindsay Bower.
Star basketball players Lebron James and Draymond Green have also stated that they are in full support for this law as an economic justice for hard working athletes. Their posts on social media have inspired many young athletes and college athletes to keep working for their rights.
“Finally, we are making some progress and getting this thing right. Kids going to sleep hungry, can’t afford ANYTHING yet these Universities are profiting of those same kids. SIGN IT!!” said Draymond Green on Twitter.
With these new laws being enacted in 2023, there is much room for dispute. With five years before the law is officially enacted, it leaves time for other states to support or defer California in its decision. In the end, this is a huge step for the future of college sports and the athletes who may end up making some serious money.