Too Tired for School

Lexi Borraccio

Lily Shuttlewood trying to get homework done before class. Advanced classes leave her with tons of homework every night resulting in no sleep and homework still not done.

The older students are, the less sleep they are allowed, and the more pressure they are under. Days get longer and more responsibilities are expected. Due to the early mornings and long school days, extracurricular activities after school are becoming harder to participate in while upholding decent grades.

According to Kyla Wahlstrom in Phi Delta Kappan, studies have proven that if school starts later student’s academic focus improves. Starting school just one hour later has shown many advantages for both parents and students.

Students were now awake the first hour of class, the principal reported fewer disciplinary incidents in the halls and lunchroom, and students reported less depression and feelings of greater efficacy. Over 92% of the parents said their kids were ‘easier to live with,’” said Wahlstrom.

An Adams High School typical day starts at 7:30 and ends at 2:30. For some students, their day begins sooner due to early morning and after school practices. Therefore, leaving students to decide over hours of homework or sleep. Many students like sophomore Emily Morris believe school should start later for improved academics and better focus.

Lexi Borraccio
Students waiting in their parents car waiting for the bus at 7 a.m. in the morning; dark and potentially dangerous to start this early.

“School should definitely start later, because everyone would be so much less tired at school. At the beginning of the year, I have morning marching band practice and waking up at 5:00 in the morning is exhausting for the whole day, and it is hard to focus in class,” said Morris.      

CDC funded study proved the academic increase. Eight high schools were tested from three different states; each showing progress with school starting at times ranging from 8:00-8:55 a.m. The majority of students that were asked agreed with the benefits including senior Samantha Mecca.

“I function best when I wake up later than 6:00 a.m. like most students. Some days I can barely stay awake in class because I had so much homework the night before. If school started later, I would actually feel motivated to wake up in the morning,” said Mecca.

More and more schools around the country have joined the trend in starting school later. Sleep is essential for teens, and we are simply not getting enough. Students along with teachers would be less stressed and ready for class. Rochester Adams should join this change and allow students the sleep they need providing a greater chance to succeed.