The Rumored Fate of the iPhone 8
The evolution of the iPhone from generation to generation.
It does not come as a surprise that Apple is coming out with a newer and better version of the iPhone….yet again. Constantly innovating, this company has been creating new, high-tech products for decades. In 1976, the creation of the advanced Apple computer set the stage for today’s mind blowing devices, including touch technology on tablets and smartphones.
When the very first generation of the Apple iPhone arose in 2007, people were amazed with the brilliance of the technology. The thick device had a 3.5 inch display, making it much smaller than the iPhone 6, which has a 5.5 inch display. The increase in screen size of these smartphones over time is what developes appeal for customers. The desire to obtain the bigger and better technology is why the next generation of the iPhone is expected to be a huge hit.
“Every time anyone hears that there is a new iPhone coming out, they become obsessed with getting it. So many people are already getting excited about the iPhone 8,” said sophomore Emma Brown.
Although Apple has not yet set a date for when this new phone will be available for purchase, pictures and descriptions of this new phone and its features have already been released. Not only will this new phone have a touch screen covering the entire phone, but it will also have even faster technology than the current model.
“It already seems like the phones we have are as advanced as they can get, but it sounds like these new phones are going to exceed expectations on what phones can really do,” said sophomore Caroline Guglielmetti.
For people like Guglielmetti who are already extremely impressed with Apple products, the fact that the company is coming out with something even more astounding is incredible. If this newly enlarged screen is not cool enough, Mac Rumors says that the iPhone 8 will also most likely be eliminating the home button and camera lense. This means that the screen itself will be rife with new capabilities, including Touch ID and taking pictures.
Another excellent feature rumored to be a part of this new device is enhanced material. Based on investigations conducted by The CNet, the new screen of the next iPhone generation will be made of flexible plastic rather than pure glass. This new device will not just be more durable, but it will also consume less power and have a better display.
For iconic companies like Apple, innovation is happening every day. Because of the strides this business has made in the past decade, it definitely does not come as a shock that the next big product with revolutionize technology. Needless to say, an increase in capabilities of the the iPhone will allow users to reach new heights on ideas that could potentially further extend a phone’s possibilities.