STUCO Raises the Bar
Student Council members ans seniors Kyra Brown (left), Grace Lee (middle), and Allie Ziniti (right), create unique decor to decorate the gymnasium in preparation for the dance.
Most students look forward to the many Homecoming traditions. Student Council, staff, and Adams’ families are spending hours of intense planning, arranging and decorating in preparation for the upcoming event. What will make Homecoming this year even bigger and better than the last several years?
The student body presents new, innovative ideas to improve the outcome of Homecoming. Uncompromising quality is a must, considering the standards that are held every year. In the past four years, the clever themes for the dance have included James Bond, Mardi Gras, Starry Night, and this year’s theme is Around The World. All of these creative themes develop positive vibes and excitement as students wonder what their peers will be wearing and what decorations will be seen at the dance to reflect the theme.
Student Council repeatedly surprises students by transforming the usual learning environment, into a dance as if another world existed. “I think the themes have created a sensational atmosphere,” said senior Grace Vanden Bossche, “It allows the students to escape for a night from all their stressful life events occurring”.
Although the dance is always a success itself, the week leading up to Homecoming builds up excitement and contains the most amount of work. The pep assembly, Homecoming court nominations and voting, the football game and spirit week are always hectic; however, it motivates the student body to come together, socialize with new individuals, and get involved.
“Student Council really puts on a bigger and better show every single year,” said senior Kaley Nelson. “The spirit weeks and pep assemblies are always something to look forward to. It really bring us all together as a grade and as a team to support each other.”
How has the Homecoming dance itself taken a spin over the past four years? High school students are typically the most critical individuals when it comes to music selections. Luckily, Student Council has been able to provide the Homecoming dance with a new DJ that acknowledges the modern music to accommodate everyone’s preferences. Therefore, the playlist has been progressing to meet the high standards of students’ taste in music. Not only that, StuCo has put into place new strobe lights and more powerful speakers to create a more upbeat environment.
“Music now usually accommodates all my different moods, whether I am happy, excited or sad,” said senior Anthony Kania. “Seeing that Student Council has been able to figure out how to match the taste of music with the mood of the student body wants is incredible.”
Homecoming has created endless memories for every student who attends. It is much appreciated each year for the many improvements made by Student Council, and the man who runs it all, StuCo Adviser Mr. Bryan Lindstrom. We all deserve to experience a night to remember aside from all our stressful activities.