Homecoming: A Teacher’s Perspective
Language Arts teachers Mrs. Colleen Winkler and Mrs. Jean Bollinger participate in the spirit week fun on USA day.
Fall brings about sweaters, Friday night football, and pumpkin spice lattes. Even more importantly, though, with fall comes Homecoming season. Homecoming is a truly exciting time for students, but what do teachers think about it?
Each year, as Homecoming week rolls around, teachers happily participate in the events during the week, including spirit days. It seems teachers are most excited to see the students show their school spirit.
“I always love Homecoming because it’s a nice break from the normal routine around here, and I think Homecoming is really important. It’s a time when the school spirit is just soaring and everybody is having a good time and it’s meant to be a time to bring the school together to have fun,” said Language Arts teacher Mrs. Julie Reese.
“I actually really like Homecoming. I think it’s fun, especially because I went through Rochester schools so it’s fun to kind of see the community get all excited,” said Language Arts and U.S. History teacher Mrs. Allie Danielson.
The students spend so much time preparing for the annual dance. The guy matches his tie to his date’s dress and picks up the perfect corsage, while the girl spends hours perfecting her hair and makeup, and preparing to spend a night balancing on a pair of difficult heels or wedges. Their efforts do not go unnoticed.
“As a teacher, I really like seeing all the kids dressed up the day of the dance because that’s usually not something we see on a day-to-day basis, so it’s interesting for us,” said Danielson.
Along with Homecoming, students also get to participate in the pep assembly, which is a favorite, it seems, among teachers.
“Usually the pep assembly is really cool, watching the band come through and the drumline, and just seeing all the games that are played…I don’t know what pep assembly it was but seeing Bacci get hit in the face with a pie was pretty cool,” said AP Government teacher Mr. Jeff Hall.
For Reese, the pep assembly is also a personal favorite.
“ I think it’s a lot of fun. They get so elaborate here that they’re awesome. And it seems like everyone has a great time,” said Reese.
Besides participating in spirit week and the annual pep assembly, the teachers also attend the Homecoming dance, but as chaperones and helpers. From the student perspective, chaperoning a dance may seem boring and uneventful. The teachers, however, do not see it that way. The amount of chaperoning varies from each teacher.
“I think it depends on the teacher. I know it’s easier for teachers to chaperone if they don’t have kids or something else going on. I’ve enjoyed it the last few times I’ve done it. I think it’s interesting, you know, to see the kids outside of school, not in a classroom,” said Danielson.
Hall confirms Danielson’s statement about other teachers chaperoning.
“I usually do it [chaperoning], but no they [teachers] don’t always like it. It’s just hard to give up a Friday or Saturday night away from your family, especially when you have kids,” said Hall.
Despite having to sacrifice the weekend, Homecoming is still one of the most interesting times of the year. Teachers fondly recall their favorite aspects and memories.
“I think that some of the interesting things that’ve happened recently are the elaborate Homecoming proposals. You know, getting asked to help a student ask someone else to Homecoming is kind of fun,” said Reese.
“One of my favorite things, especially chaperoning, is when you see kids who’ve already graduated that are coming back. It’s always fun because they’re happy to see you,” said Danielson.
From pep assemblies to the dance itself, teachers and students alike join in on the fun; Homecoming is a much-loved tradition enjoyed by all.
“…and you know, Homecoming, with the assemblies and dances, is one of the memories that I have best from when I was in high school. So I think it’s a good thing, a great thing,” said Reese.