Highlanders Helping Highlanders
Peer mentors help students do the recycling for each classroom in the building.
This year, the Adams family has been building a program known as “peer mentoring.” In this program, seniors work for one hour each day with students who fall on the spectrum or live with downs syndrome. During this class period, seniors help guide these students in school and make them feel more welcomed.
This program benefits both the mentors and the mentees. Mentors come to a classroom and sit with the students while guiding them through whatever subject they are currently studying for the hour. On Fridays, the mentors swim with their mentee in the pool or go on a fun field trip handpicked by the teachers. The mentor will learn a new level of patience and how to be more open-minded, while mentees are able to interact with other kids their age to help them build more social skills.
“I have learned that these kids are not much different than any other student within this school. I’ve learned patience, flexibility, and understanding after being a part of this program. I think this will prepare me for the real world. I will use patience like this on a daily basis,” said senior Ashlyn Koby.

Students have the opportunity to meet new students and help them through their daily routines.
As of right now, peer mentoring is only opened to seniors. There are still many ways others can get involved and help with the inclusion of the students within this program. Sitting with them at lunch or saying hello in the hallways may seem like small gestures, but they make a huge difference in brightening someone’s day.
Students should take the opportunity to join this class to befriend these different learners and help them feel welcomed as Highlanders.
Interested in the program for the second semester or next year? The Rochester Adams High School’s counseling tab contains a peer mentoring section highlighted in bright pink. In this section, there will be a survey linked that will asking questions about character and reasons why students may be interested in the mentor program. For kids looking to make a difference in the lives of their peers, partaking in this class may just be the perfect way to do so.