Deca Domination
Members spelling out “DECA” in front of the DECA logo
Distributive Education Clubs of America, also known as “DECA” is looking to show its dominance again at States this year, having over ten people sent to Orlando last year to compete at Internationals.
Rochester Adams DECA is run by the passionate Vince Lopiccolo, who continues to increase the number of participants each year. Lopiccolo strongly believes in what DECA is doing for students and precisely follows the DECA mission statement, “DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.” The only requirement for enrolling in DECA is to have taken a business class, or to currently be scheduled in a business class during the year. DECA can be a substantial help to students pursuing a college degree in any field, because it enhances leadership skills helping students become superior leaders and finer entrepreneurs.
“DECA is a quintessential organization due to the intertwining of critical thinking skills and people skills, which will grow you immensely in preparation for the real world,” said sophomore LJ Pams.

Every year, DECA members are put through numerous training days with staged role plays throughout the weeks of November 18th-22nd. This year, districts will fall on January 11, 2020. Members will be given a scenario with ten minutes to respond to each indicator and come up with a solution. Judges will then grade their responses on how well they solved the problem.
Last year, if a student made it past districts, he or she was given the opportunity to compete at Internationals in Orlando. For only a small travel fee, qualifying members could enjoy many incentives. For example, last year the members who competed in Internationals went to Disney and Universal. The students at Orlando competed against the best contestants in the nation.
DECA is a potential gateway to a variety of business-related jobs in the real world. It can help to improve marketing, people, and public speaking skills. A large amount of returning members were asked what they regretted about the DECA experience: The most popular answer was “I wish I joined sooner”.