Countdown to Homecoming 2016
Sophomore Brett Nixon is one of the first gentlemen to formally ask his girlfriend, sophomore Sadie Supina, to Homecoming with a cute and original proposal.
Now that summer vacation is over, families are just starting to return to their typical school year routines.
Michigan’s climate is finally transitioning from the hot, humid days of summer to the cool, autumn air, and the skies are spotted with the changing leaves. The local Yates Cider Mill recently opened and is hectic as ever. The season of childhood traditions is right around the corner as the entire community looks forward to picking out the perfect pumpkin to carve for Halloween. Although there are many positives to the approaching fall season, many students have mixed emotions about the most exciting, yet also stressful, part of the year -preparations for October 15 have begun. Homecoming awaits.
THREE WEEKS TO GO: At this point, some students are worried and preparing for the big day, while others embrace the challenge. Every student is pondering the many fashion decisions to be made for the dance. Walking through the halls, girls are checking out current trends and many are online shopping during free time. Some girls are looking for more simple dresses to go with random pops of color, while others are going with the more cute, casual and floral theme. Students attending Rochester Adams High School are likely hunting for their perfect date, or completely giving up on the hopes of making an appearance with the significant other who caught their eye at first sight.
For freshman, homecoming is a first.
“We are all really nervous this year for our first homecoming, so much time and stress has already been put into this event, we do not know what to expect. On the other hand, I’m looking forward to this experience!” said freshman Sarah Bridenstine.
In contrast to the views of the freshman, the seniors feel a tinge of sadness at the thought of their last homecoming.
“I have a bittersweet outlook on homecoming this year, but I am excited. I love getting dressed up, and having a good time. However, I am ready for this homecoming to be my last because with homecoming comes a lot of stress,” said senior Allie Ziniti.
Some of the senior boys, however, have already caught a hint of the dreaded “senioritis”, and are even procrastinating with Homecoming.
“As a senior this year, I am not too worried about Homecoming. I still have quite a bit of time to think about it,” said senior Evan Polosky.
With three weeks left to the big day, all students are ecstatic, but still have an underlying touch of anxiety that has not completely hit them yet.
TWO WEEKS TO GO: Things are becoming a little stressful here at Adams. The boys who claimed not to be too worried are now struggling to find dates or suits to match the dress of their special someone. Many gentlemen seem to be searching for rare bow ties to add “pizazz” to their unordinary and unique suit combinations.
Meanwhile, the ladies are creating more and more stressful situations for themselves. Some girls have yet to find their “Say Yes To the Dress” moment. Nonetheless, most are worried about accessorizing, hair styles, make-up ideas and nail patterns. Every girl strives to have her own individual, unique style while still being sticking with the trends. This year, using statement jewelry to accessorize simple dresses is the highlight of the season. Fall nails are an excellent idea to go with any dress, however, the typical french manicure and pedicure would also be elegant and classy for the occasion.
Along with the materialistic side of Homecoming, many sentimental opportunities arise as well. With only a few weeks left, everyone is gossiping about proposal ideas and keeping tabs on social media to stay updated on who asked whom.
“I was so surprised by his homecoming proposal! I cannot wait to attend such a great night with my best friend by my side,” said sophomore Sadie Supina.
For those searching for proposal ideas, time is ticking. Check out ideas from previous years to aid you in your brainstorming.
ONE WEEK TO GO: Anxiety levels are at an ultimate high. Boys and girls alike are stressed about their dates, corsages and boutineers. Others may be afflicted by not having a date, and regretting the procrastination of dresses, suits and appointments.
Contrary to popular belief, most freshman and sophomores are more than prepared for the big event. They are exhilarated for their first or second year of homecoming alongside their dates and friends. Those without dates are optimistic about attending homecoming solo as well. For the singles, organizing pictures and dinner with a close group of friends is the best way to enjoy the evening and meet new people.

Boys from the class of 2017 take on Homecoming together… without dates.
“I am just ready for a good time with my friends that I have enjoyed for the past three years, even though I am not so prepared. I am ready to be making more memories,” said senior Nick Rzeppa.
“I have been through three years of the same thing; I think I am more than prepared, just worried about the preparation. Overall, I am ready to get my dance on with the ladies,” said senior Kaley Nelson.
Although many stressors come with a formal occasion like homecoming, every student appreciates the opportunity to be able to dress up, take pictures and make memories with their friends and family members. The build-up to October 15 will be worth it in the end. This fall will certainly begin with wonderful experiences to commemorate.