Adams Holiday Gift Giving Collection

Flyers can be found hung up around the school giving info for the gift giving collection

The Rochester Area Neighborhood House (RANH) makes a mission out of upholding community values.

The Rochester Area Neighborhood House has provided financial aid to the families of Rochester Hills in need for over 50 years. This coming holiday, Adams High School has agreed to represent the Neighborhood House by starting a gift drive at the high school to help Rochester families. The gift drive continues until December 5th, and labeled boxes for the gifts are located in the Main Office. Students able to bring in gifts must first sign up on the volunteer website and select a specific present to purchase and donate.

“I think that it’s important for us to donate to the present drive because it is our duty as a community to help the less fortunate in any way possible,” said junior Andrew Dospil.

Will Bass
Present turn-in boxes located in the Main Office

Flyers can be found around the school, giving specific information on needed items. Everyday items like deodorant, blankets, or even a deck of playing cards are ideal items for donation. 

“People need to understand that these simple items go a long way for the families in need that the Neighborhood House supports,” said junior Brennan Adragna.

It is important that schools such as Adams, who are capable of performing charity initiatives like the can drive or gift collection, donate as much as possible. Donating to the gift giving collection is just one of the multitude of ways Adams students and their families can give back this holiday season.