2017 Mr. Highland “Mangent” Contestants
Drum roll please…Rochester Adams High School will be hosting their very own male beauty pageant, “Mr. Highlander”.
A special group of senior men, chosen by the student body, will perform their special talents on Thursday, April 13 at 7 p.m. in the Adams High School’s auditorium. Tickets will go on sale beginning the week after spring break. Contestants include seniors Jack Belding, Dylan Brown, Johnny Brucia, Jon Buchanan, Joe Cvengros, Adam Garfinkle, Jake Golding, Ben Heasman, Jon Kmiec, Kyle Mason, Scott Mclean, Mark Pattrito, Jack Reno, Michael Rittner, Sean Ronan, Ryan Shafer, Matt Vilotti and Charles Zhou. Here is what they have to offer:
The contestants were asked the same three questions:
- What talent do you plan on performing?
- How would you feel if you won Mr. highlander?
- Who is your biggest competition and why?
Jack Belding
Q1: “ ‘My Heart’ will go on for the audience to listen to. It will be presented on a recorder, but the rest of my talent will have to be displayed on stage.”
Q2: “If I won Mr. Highlander, it would confirm the fact that I have peaked in high school because I will only get this one opportunity to perform in a male pageant.”
Q3: “I do not have a competitor for Mr. Highlander. I could not even imagine how someone could possible get competitive over this, but I am ready to face whatever hits me.”
Dylan Brown
Q1: “ I am still undecided about my talent. Considering I must plan it out to ‘wow’ the crowd, I have a little more brainstorming to do.”
Q2: “ If I were to win Mr. Highlander, I would feel so happy and amazed. It would definitely be a good feeling.”
Q3: “My biggest competitor would either be Joe Cvengros because he is such a funny kid, or Charles Zhou because he is just a talented individual.”
Jon Buchanan
Q1: “I will prepare a partner dance with a good buddy of mine, but I would like that to remain a secret for now.”
Q2: “If I were to win Mr. Highlander, I would feel like I achieved something great. I am super excited to see the results of this competition.”
Q3: “My biggest competitor is Charles Zhou, because he is a hilarious Asian.”
Joe Cvengros
Q1: “I still have some time to decide on my talent, so I am going to come up with a unique talent and surprise the audience at the show.”
Q2: “If I won Mr. Highlander, I would feel so great, that I would be confident enough to ask Mrs. Pelz on a date.”
Q3: “Johnny Brucia is huge competition because he is the cutest looking kid out there.”
Adam Garfinkle
Q1: “As my talent, I will be singing a funny song.”
Q2: “ I would feel honored to win Mr. Highlander. It would be the perfect end to these four years at Adams.”
Q3: “Kyle Mason would be the person to beat because he is the only other theatre kid. He knows how to run the show and sway the crowd.”
Jake Golding
Q1: “I plan to throw grapes in the air, and catch as many as I can in my mouth. Yes, I know it may be a little bit weird, but it is simple and quite impressive.”
Q2: “If I won, I would feel like an extremely honored student. I look forward to this day.”
Q3: “I think Matt Vilotti or Sean Ronan would be my biggest competitors because they are stand up guys. It seems as if everyone respects them and likes to be around them.”
Ben Heasman
Q1: “I have yet to come up with a creative idea to perform at Mr. Highlander.”
Q2: “If I were to win Mr. Highlander, I would feel tired of winning because I do not lose.”
Q3: “My biggest competition would be Johnny Brucia or Joe Cvengros because they are both good looking men.”
Johnny Brucia
Q1: “ I will be performing a partner dance, that will consist of some towels, stay tuned.”
Q2: “Although I do have much competition, if I won Mr. Highlander I would be so excited to say I won a male pageant at my high school.”
Q3: “Jack Reno would for sure be my greatest competitor because he is very driven to win the whole thing, and seems incredibly prepared.”
Kyle Mason
Q1: “I will be performing Sandcastles by Beyonce for the audience, so I am really looking forward to that.”
Q2: “If I won Mr. Highlander, I would not be surprised because I am already a princess. This would just be me officially getting my crown.”
Q3: “My biggest competition is definitely Adam Garfinkle because his talent is super impressive and he may make the audience more shook than I will.”
Ryan Shafer
Q1: “Though I am unsure of my talent at this moment, something extravagant is about to happen.”
Q2: “If I won Mr. Highlander, I would be extremely shocked, but grateful of course.”
Q3: “Jon Kmiec is my competition because he is addicted to working out so he may show off to the audience more than others.”
Scott Mclean
Q1: “I plan on performing tricks with my dog because I love my dog. Nothing is more talent than that.”
Q2: “If I won, I would feel proud to represent our school and fulfill the legacy.”
Q3: “My biggest competition is Joe Cvengros because he is just so funny and popular. He is a tough contestant to face.”
Jon Kmiec
Q1: “ I have not yet decided on my talent but it will obviously be funny and entertaining so be prepared.”
Q2: “I do not expect to win at all, but if I did win Mr. Highlander, I would be so surprised and grateful.”
Q3: “Ryan Shafer is by far my largest competition because everyone loves that man.”
Mark Pattrito
Q1: “I do not want to give up my talent completely, but let’s just say opponents should ‘throw in the towel’.”
Q2: “I would be pretty happy to win Mr. Highlander. It would be a very cool experience to live through and share.”
Q3: “My biggest competition is probably Joe Cvengros. He tends to get all the sympathy votes from the audience.”
Jack Reno
Q1: “My talent is reading a story about Adams High School, written by yours truly. It will be somewhere along the lines of, ‘ Jack’s Declassified School Survival Guide’.”
Q2: “If I were to win, I feel like I would have to start thinking about pageantry as a potential hobby that I am good at.”
Q3: “My biggest competition is Joe Cvengros, that dude has no shame. He would do anything to win.”
Michael Rittner
Q1: “I do not have my talent completely ruled out at this point, but let me tell you, when it is figured out, it will be one to remember.”
Q2: “If I won, I would feel so amazing. I would cherish this title and forever remember the enjoyable memories that came with this opportunity.”
Q3: “I think everyone is equal competition in this pageant, however, I do believe Joe Cvengros may have a disadvantage.”
Sean Ronan
Q1: “At this point, I have yet to disclose my talent since it is still in the process of perfection.”
Q2: “If I were to win Mr. Highlander, I would feel very undeserving of the title.”
Q3: “Ryan Shafer is my biggest competitor because he tends to win everything. I would not be surprised if this was another thing he wins.”
Matt Vilotti
Q1: “I plan on ribbon dancing as my talent. I also plan to perfect it by taking training classes from Sophie Hampton.”
Q2: “ I would be surprised to win this title because I did not even expect to be selected as one of the contestants, however, if I was to win this title, I would be very happy.”
Q3: “My biggest competition is myself. I can only better, and improve myself, so there is no need to look to others.”
Charles Zhou
Q1: “I plan on performing the talent of cooking fried rice and doing tricks like Asian chefs do at Hibachi Grill.”
Q2: “If I won Mr. Highlander, I would feel like I honored my family carrying the Zhou family name.”
Q3: “No one is a competitor to me because no one else is Asian and can cook amazing fried rice like I do.”