Nike Takes a Knee
Posted by Kaepernick’s instagram
If people order this jersey off of Kaepernick’s instagram, order this jersey and 20% of the proceeds go to the know your rights campaign.
Professional football player Colin Kaepernick’s decision to kneel during the National Anthem led to his complete ostracization from the National Football League (NFL), and a nationwide divide. Nike released an advertisement expressing its support for Kaepernick, and many Americans are unhappy as a result.
Kaepernick’s decision to kneel was misunderstood by many people. He knelt because he believes that the police system is unjust, and that innocent, African Americans are being killed through police brutality. Many people considered Kaepernick’s actions disrespectful because the flag is seen as a representation of the troops that fought for freedom. Kaepernick defended himself by explaining that he got the idea to kneel from a veteran who told him that soldiers would kneel for the fallen, so it would be the most respectful form of protest.
Nike’s advertisement shows a picture of Kaepernick with the words, “Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything” written across his face. Since the pictures have been released, the internet has been ablaze. Some turned to burning Nike products and boycotting the company as a whole.
Jimmy Kimmel from “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” mocked this approach to disagreeing with Kaepernick’s stance.
“Why not just burn your money? You already bought the clothes,” said Kimmel.
Many wondered if the company’s value would decrease as people turned to selling their stocks. In actuality, the company’s stock value hit an all time high. The stock rose five percent after its initial backlash since the marketing partnership.
President Trump has shared his opinion on Kaepernick many times on twitter, but now he is also speaking out against Nike.
“Just like the NFL, whose ratings have gone WAY DOWN, Nike is getting absolutely killed with anger and boycotts. I wonder if they had any idea that it would be this way? I just find it hard to watch and always will, until they stand for the FLAG!” said Trump.
Nike’s decision to partner with Kaepernick is upsetting to some and exciting to others; the company’s decision stands despite economic downturns or advantages.