First Adams Wrestling Tournament
Brendan Green Wrestles down the enemy to put the player from Romeo down.
Coming off a great season, the Rochester Adams wrestling team has set some high standards. This year’s seniors are now tasked with filling the team’s leadership positions and beginning the Wrestling season with a win.
The first tournament for the team was at Fraser High School. While there, Adams went up against Eisenhower, Fraser, Roseville, Algonac, and Woodhaven High Schools with every team looking to start the season off strong with a big tournament win. A fierce battle between all schools ran throughout the day, each team fighting for the number one spot.
In the end, Fraser, the powerhouse coming into the tourney, took first place. Shortly behind was Rochester Adams taking second, a great start with the whole season still ahead of them.
“It was a great battle between all of the teams. Taking second is not so bad. Now that we know what we can do as a team, we can put forth more effort into those things at practice. I am excited to see what we can do this year,” said sophomore Julian Fouladbash, a two-year varsity wrestler that stepped up to be an impact player in this first tournament.

Julian Fouladbash picks up his opponent from Milford and is ready to slam.
Senior captains Sean Phalen, Joe Dreon, and Kenny Jackson worked to inspire their teammates throughout the day. With a combined twelve years of high school wrestling experience, it is now their job to pass on their knowledge and pride to the underclassmen. In the tournament, these captains scored a multitude of points contributing to the team’s combined total continuing to help the team in scoring points and leadership every day.
“I always love coming out every day and playing for my brothers. I believe we can do good things this year and am excited to get on those mats,” said senior Ray Zhu.
The Rochester Adams wrestling team is on an excellent path to start the season. As a unified band of brothers, they are ready to take on any opponent that stands in their way.