The First 100 Days of Trump
Zachery Pierre places his Trump paraphernalia into a safe space after the Trump victory.
For many people, most notably the egalitarian left , the election of Donald Trump spells doom; the legislative and executive, and judicial branches will now be dictated by a conservative majority. Trump speaks on his policies in a forceful, unsympathetic way. Depending on one’s political outlook, his method of message delivery can be either honorable or horrifying. Some expect Trump to be a tyrannical autocrat, while others anticipate him to be America’s salvation from a cultural and economic rot brought on by the social justice movement. In his 100 Day Plan, President Trump lays out what he plans to do in the first 100 days of Presidency, which are arguably the most important part of a President’s time in office.
One of Donald Trump’s rallying cries is “Drain the swamp!” in reference to his desire to remove some monetary activities in Washington. To do this, Trump wants to set term limits on Congress. In addition, he plans to hurt corrupt lobbyists by putting a five-year waiting period on congressional officials who want to become lobbyists after they leave the Congress. He will also make it impossible for a White House official to become a lobbyist for foreign interests and prohibit foreign lobbyists from donating money to American electorates.
Trump’s 100 Day Plan includes some policies regarding foreign affairs as well. He plans to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement or withdraw from the agreement if he cannot make it benefit America enough. Trump will end U.S. involvement in the Trans Pacific Partnership as well. While in office, he wants to be tougher on countries that abuse America in trade deals, starting with denouncing China as a manipulator of currency. In order to beef up America’s immigration policy, Trump also plans on disallowing immigration from areas where terror is abundant. A wall, funded by Mexico, will potentially be built along the U.S. Mexican border in an effort to keep illegal aliens out. The deportation of approximately two million illegal immigrants will begin with Trump as President as well.
While there are many foreign issues Trump wants to deal with, his 100 Day Plan is mainly directed at domestic issues. He plans to repeal Obamacare and replace it with Health Savings Accounts. Moreover, people will be allowed to buy insurance across state lines, and states will be able to create their own medicaid budget. As President, Trump will simplify the tax code to three tiers for joint filers, and three tiers for single filers. By eliminating regulations in a two to one ratio (two regulations are removed for every one that stays), Trump will work on removing regulations put in place on industries. When it comes to educational matters, Trump wants to end Common Core and leave learning standards up to the community. Additionally, he wants to allow parents to choose what school their child will attend, thus helping those in poverty go to their chosen school.
Many people accuse Trump of being too ambiguous about important yet agreeable issues, while being too brazen about unimportant and controversial issues. This scares many citizens who already felt marginalized under a liberal President. He does, however, seem to have a clear plan. They can decide for themselves if he is the despot they believe him to be.