Scotland Now Teaching LGBTI in New Curriculum


LGBTI supporters march in a parade to promote equality. Scotland is using legislation in order to achieve this equality.

In a globally historic event, Scotland has become the first country to embed an LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex) curriculum within public schools. A group called the Time for Inclusive Education (TIE) campaigned for the government policy to allow such topics to be discussed within public schools across the country.

The co-founder of TIE, Jordan Daly, ridicules the previous legislation introduced in 1988, banning local authorities in the UK from promoting homosexuality. Scotland did repeal this legislation in 2001, but it easy to say that the country has made a historic move towards LGBTI equality since then.

“This is a monumental victory for our campaign, and a historic moment for our country. The implementation of LGBTI inclusive education across all state schools is a world first. In a time of global uncertainty, this sends a strong and clear message to LGBTI young people that they are valued here in Scotland,” said Daly.

The goal of this new curriculum is to help students understand the LGBTI people, the history behind the community, and to help prevent homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia in schools. Many students have faced bullying and prejudice from their fellow classmates.

“A study for TIE found that nine in 10 LGBTI Scots experience homophobia at school, and 27% reported they had attempted suicide after being bullied. The investigation also found there was little understanding in schools about prejudice against people with variations of sex characteristics and intersex bodies,” said The Guardian Scotland Correspondent, Libby Brooks.

Scotland is the most progressive country in the world in regards to the LGBTI community and their rights.

Scotland is known as one of the most progressive countries in the world in regards to the LGBTI community. The country has legalized same sex marriage since 2014 and same sex civil partnership since 2005, and adoption by a same sex couple has been legal since 2009. Even anti-discrimination laws have been placed since 2010.

“It is really interesting to see Scotland transform their public school curriculum and hopefully other countries will try to do the same,” said Adams sophomore Madison Marderosian.

By implementing an LGBTI-Inclusive education across the country, schools, are promoting a safer environment for the children and also setting a great examples for other countries within Europe and across the globe.