PrACTice Makes Perfect
ACT poster in the Adams Counseling Office
High school juniors in the state of Michigan will take the ACT, a required college entrance examination, on March 3. Juniors will also take the Michigan Merit Exam (MME) on March 4. Students in grades 9,10, and 12 do not have school on Tuesday and have a late start on Wednesday. The late start day includes hours 4-6 and begins at 11:15 a.m.
The ACT exam is scored on a scale from 0-36, with 36 being the best score possible. The ACT tests four subjects including Math, Science, Reading, and English with an optional writing portion. AHS students take this writing portion of the ACT.
Juniors should make sure to bring multiple number two pencils, a calculator for the math portion, erasers, and a light snack for the break.
“Good luck juniors on the ACT! Be well rested, take your time on the exam, and don’t forget to bring a number two pencil,” said Adams counselor Mrs. Jessica Bellomo.