High school can be a stressful time for the Adams community, including students and teachers. Whether it’s the homework load, AP testing, or never-ending lessons to plan, there is always something to worry about. However, Adams High School has provided a healing solution—therapy dogs.
When it feels like it’s all too much, the therapy dogs of Adams are here to help. These four-legged friends accompany several of the teachers at Adams during class time. The presence of a dog may not seem that essential to someone hearing about the concept for the first time, but it’s proven to boost the moods of students and staff. The dogs at Adams provide a sense of calm to a student’s daily hustle. Dogs are consistently an animal to rely on for unconditional support and love.
“The dogs interact with those present, with the goal of making everyone’s day a little better and a lot happier,” stated on the Fur Angels website.
In addition to the resident dogs at Adams, occasionally the Fur Angels come for a visit. The Fur Angels are a team of certified therapy dogs who travel together to different schools. The dogs even have their own trading cards, another perk of when the dogs are in town. Typically during higher stress weeks like exam weeks, the Rochester Adams admin treats the student body to furry companions. The familiar faces of the Fur Angels visit during lunchtime and passing time to comfort and support any student who needs it. These dogs are trained to keep calm and promote a happy and stress-free environment for students, and according to Adams students, their training has paid off.
“I enjoy them more than the average person at Adams. They [the dogs] have always provided me with a sense of calm, which helps me focus in class,” said Ava Hanley, a junior at Adams.
Many students look forward to seeing Gatsby (Ms. Kranz’s dog) in the hallway during passing time or spending quality time with Oberon (A well-known Fur Angel!). Not to mention Bailey and Maisy, two of Adams’ resident therapy dogs. It’s something to look forward to in the week, which can mean a lot to some students. Just one little pick me up like petting a soft and soothing dog can make someone’s whole day.

“I always used to pet Gatsby a lot in class…when I see the therapy dogs my mood is boosted instantly,” said junior, Lamya Soni.

Hopefully in the coming years, as schools evolve, there will be more support animals integrated into buildings. Having a furry companion close can improve their time at school because more healthy and productive work can be completed with less anxiety.
“Less stress helps support greater well-being and improves memory and ability to recall information, which in turn helps students to focus more easily during school,” said Puppington, a dog blogger.
Next time the stress of school work is adding up, take a break with a familiar friend. Don’t knock it ‘till you try it! The loving dogs of Adams are here to help in any way they can. Let all of the healing paw-perties sink in.