Language Department Celebrates Diversity
During Foreign Language Week, students participate in different activities.
Beginning Monday, October 3, students will celebrate their love for foreign language here at Rochester Adams High School. That week, known across the school as foreign language week, will celebrate the diversity of students, while teaching about the culture of others. This year’s theme is Celebrations around the World.
“It’s [Foreign Language Week] also to celebrate diversity, because it’s not just focused on the three languages that we teach at Adams, but it’s focused on diversity within Adams High School,” said Spanish teacher Joe Ciluffo.
Involved in this tradition for 21 years, Ciluffo explained the importance of giving back to the community while celebrating it.
“There’s three different organizations. One is called Freedom House, which is in Detroit, and supplies much needed basic toiletries. Another one is Career Dress, which is based here in Rochester. It’s for women that are trying to get back into the workplace, but maybe have been down in their luck. It provides them clothing and shoes. Mission 32 offers after- school activities for Hispanic youth, ESL classes, and fun activities to try to get them steered in the right direction.”
The week entails different activities for students in foreign language classes to participate in and learn about cultures in the process.
“We’ve got the World Cup, as an inter-language thing. We have after-school trivia. Kids are making banners, t shirts, and posters. There’s a food day, and we provide food for the staff,” said Ciluffo.