Cheering On Charity Week
All events and spirit days are dedicated to helping Deputy Hack and his family.
On January 4, a terrible accident took place on Tienken Road outside of Rochester Adams High School.
Oakland County’s Deputy David Hack, age 50, was hit by a Oakland University student and rushed to the emergency room. He was diagnosed with severe head injuries and several broken bones. In the weeks following the accident, Deputy Hack’s wife, Christine Hack, continued updating Facebook about her husband’s progress. After little signs of improvement, the family made the decision to relocate and find the best hospital for Hack’s therapy.
“We appreciate all of your prayers, positive energy, support, and offers of help…please know that we recognize every action, large or small, and love you all,” said Christine Hack on her Facebook page.
After all is said and done, the hospital charges and therapy bills will take a toll on the Hack family. Along with the established GoFundMe, Adams has decided to dedicate this upcoming charity week to Deputy Hack. All proceeds obtained throughout the week will be donated to the family to help with Hack’s recovery.
“The hope is to raise enough money to cover a substantial amount of Hack’s medical bills and to help out the family overall. We hope the family knows how important the Deputy’s role was in the community,” said junior Katie Miller.
The theme of charity week is based on the upcoming movie A Wrinkle In Time. The spirit days begin on Friday with a Pep Assembly and a Tie-Dye spirit day. Next is March Madness Monday, where students will be encouraged to wear their favorite college gear. Then, after school, families can go to Buffalo Wild Wings for a dinner fundraiser. Tuesday is Tropical day along with a Teacher Dunk Tank. Students can pay $1 to receive an opportunity to dunk one of their (least) favorite teachers. Next is Groutfit Day on Wednesday, students can also sign-up to play with puppies during lunch and after school there will be another fundraiser at MOD Pizza and at Emagine Theatre. Thursday is Denim Day, along with a Cake Walk during lunch, there will be two fundraisers after school at Leo’s Coney Island and Potbelly’s. Lastly is USA Day on Friday with a Bake Sale at lunch and Juniors can buy a pass to go out during lunch.
There are clearly many opportunities to help the Hack family through the Deputy’s recovery. With over 20 opportunities to donate and a guaranteed chance for some fun, Charity Week is definitely one students should not miss.