Chaos in the Auditorium Parking Lot
The amount of traffic in the parent loop causing the loop to move slowly.
The parking lots at Adams are notoriously known for becoming parent pick up loops. The auditorium lot is constantly overflowing with more and more parents picking up their kids. This is because parents are not allowed to pick up students in the athletic parking lot.
By having more parents pick up their kids in the parking lots, it becomes harder for students to leave after school. Parents block the exits from the lanes forcing students to drive around the parking lot to find an opening.
“Parents are always in the way and blocking the exits for me to leave. Many parents go the wrong way in the parking lot,” said senior Kirtana Nimmakayala.

The view from the auditorium parking lot.
Also, the loop to leave the auditorium lot always has parents blocking the “passing lane” to leave, backing up traffic. Due to this parking situation, students either leave right when the bell rings or run to their cars to bypass traffic. Other students choose to wait for long periods of time until the traffic has passed.
The parking lot situation puts more stress on students while driving. The increasing amount of student and parent drivers in the parking lot at the same time is an accident waiting to happen.
“The way the parents drive in the parking lot annoy me because when I try to leave I get cut off by parents and I’m scared that I might get in an accident,” said junior Sara Samolinski.
Parents and students are all in such a rush to leave school making it harder on everyone to leave the parking lot. A seven hour school day is already long enough, no one wants to be stuck at here for any longer than they need to be.
Parents also find that the parking lot and parent loop is problematic. There is a lot of parents that chose pick up their children from school. The loop and parking lot is not big enough to accommodate the amount of parents picking up their kids.
“As a parent that picks up their kids from school the traffic the parents completely blocks the road and it is the cause of half the accidents at Adams,” said parent Laurie Fenchak.
The Rochester Community Schools District is making renovations to the school and along with these renovations, the parking lot is going to be reconfigured to better accommodate the amount of drivers.
“The auditorium lot is being reconfigured the auditorium loop is being removed, instead of a loop there will be an enter and exit point. The main parent loop is being expanded to allow for more cars in the loop,” said Assistant Principal Mr. Calcamuggio.
The reconfiguration will allow for better flow of traffic in the parking lot benefiting the student drivers, parents, and staff who drive on Adams and Tienken road when the school day ends.