Cancelled Keystone Construction
Screenshot of footage from CBC news
A sign posted near the pipeline.
The controversial debate over the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline has come to an official end. Recently a federal judge blocked Trump’s executive order for the build.
The pipeline was proposed in 2008, but had continuous issues with construction due to vetos. The proposed pipeline would have run from southern Alberta to Mexico, an estimated 1,179 miles. It would have the ability to transport fossil fuel to the market quicker than ever before, potentially transporting 83,000 barrels of oil to the Gulf Coast of Texas per day. The line also could have contributed $3 billion to the US economy annually, and the building of the pipeline would also create hundreds, maybe even thousands of jobs.
One issue many people had with the construction of the pipeline is the fact that it would run on native ground. The Rosebud Sioux tribe and the Fort Belknap Indian community joined together with the Native American Rights Fund to sue Trump for his attempts to invade their native lands. The lawsuit was due to the violations that were made during the permitting process of the pipeline. Prior to the block, construction had begun despite the three lawsuits.
“It’s not their land so they shouldn’t be able to build on it. Especially when it can be doing so much damage to the ecosystem and to the native land,” said senior Andrea Zorrilla.
According to The Guardian the pipeline would also add extra emissions into the ecosystem. Although the added emissions would not have a major effect on climate change itself alone, the United states is already responsible for 5.5 billion tons. If this pipeline were to be built, scientists predict that it could end up increasing global temperatures by two degrees celsius as oils are burned for the project.
In 2015, Obama rejected the bill for the building of the pipeline.
“Through this bill, the United States Congress attempts to circumvent longstanding and proven processes for determining whether or not building and operating a cross-border pipeline serves the national interest,” said Obama in his message about the veto.

Trump signing the bill to continue building the pipeline.
Since this bill was in fact a Republican bill, Trump being elected into office caused the building of the pipeline to again be put into question.
“Today, I was pleased to announce the official approval of the presidential permit for the Keystone Pipeline. A great day for American jobs!” said Trump on March 24 via twitter.
Judge Brian Morris issued his order to overturn the approval by Trump’s administration. The block is temporary until the state department looks farther into the pipelines effects on the environment.