Adams Prepares for Charity Week 2017
Student Council members sell this years tie-dye Charity Week shirts.
Charity Week offers a unique opportunity for students to give back to those in need. This year, Adams will be raising money for Make-A-Wish , a foundation which grants the wishes for children with life-threatening medical conditions. Charity week will begin on March 20 and continue through the week until Friday, March 24.
Each day throughout the week will have a theme: Monday is Pajama Day, Tuesday is Denim Day, Wednesday is College Day, Thursday is Tropical Day, and Friday is Flannel Day.
The Friday before Charity Week, March 17, a pep-assembly will be held to raise awareness for the upcoming week. March 17 is also tie dye day, where students will have the opportunity to participate in tie-dying activites.
“The Charity Week t-shirts this year are going to be white, and we are going to provide the materials for students to tie-dye them,” said sophomore Student Council member Michael Berry.
This year, the fundamentals of Charity Week are going to be changed compared to prior years. The change is primarily in the idea of incentives, where students will have to work together with their classmates in order to raise money for certain incentives. .
“Each grade will have their own class incentive. They win if they raise a certain amount,” said senior Student Council member Grace Lee.
In years prior, Charity Week provided a way to stir friendly competition between teachers and students, as teachers offered individual incentives to their respective classes.
“This year will be more based around raising money together with your grade more than individual teachers competing as it has been years before,” said Lee.
Regardless of the rewards, the importance of Charity Week stems from the ability as a school to support a family through Make-A-Wish. Through Charity Week, students join together not just as a grade or a class, but as a school in order to make a child’s dream turn into a reality.