Adams CAN!
AHS raised over 42,00 cans during the can drive!
Rochester Adams High School reached a grand total of 42,204 cans during its 2014 Canned Food Drive for Rochester Neighborhood House.
The bar was set high after last year’s can total of 36,000, but after a week of incentives, competition, Mr.Bootleg pizza and pop sales, Adams succeeded and surpassed its goal.
At the beginning of the week, students were worried about how they would raise money with the new federal food laws.
“At first we didn’t know what to do, then we realized we could have kids sell food,” said senior Student Council Vice President Aaron Meek of the helpful loophole in the law.
Senior Student Council Representative Nick Corsi is now and forever known as the “Grilled Cheese Master.” All of proceeds from the grilled cheese sales were contributed to German teacher Ms. Janie Barner.
“Adams students really love their grilled cheeses. Over $700 worth of grilled cheese was sold last week,” said Corsi.
As far as the competition is concerned, English teacher Mr. Dave Lovalvo won the competition with 12,648 total cans raised. Barner came in second place with 7,894 cans. The next top contributors were Science teacher Ms. Ashley Branoff, Physical Education teacher Mr. Dan Picot, and English teacher Ms. Barb Gemellaro.
Another key reason to the can drive’s incredible success is the work that went on behind-the-scenes to make it all happen.
“This year we were more more organized and more efficient,” said Meek.
In addition, more of this year’s donations were money donations instead of cans, making counting and transporting much easier.
Adams would like to thank not only student council for all of the work they put into the week, but also all of the students and teachers for their generosity. As for the tri-high competition, Adams once again blew Rochester and Stoney Creek out of the water.