The Rhythmic Reveries of Gus Dapperton and Beshken
An artist rendition of Gus Dapperton.
Artists including Travis Scott, Odd Future, Brock Hampton, and David Bowie all fall under one odd genre; new wave. In the menagerie of the new wave spectrum, two artists stand out significantly, Gus Dapperton and Beshken.
Recently, on October 27, the two artists collaborated and came together at El Club for Dapperton’s new tour. He announced that this tour will take him to Europe, making stops in the UK, France, Sweden, and more. Also, Gus will play alongside many other new-wave and indie artists including but not limited to, MGMT, The Kooks, K.Flay, BØRNS.
At El Club, Beshken opened the concert by playing his song “Fruits”. The song is an odd sequence of sound and voice recordings with a beat and synth back-up. On stage, Beshken played on a five gallon bucket and drum pad to simulate the audio in the song. He also mixed his samples live, creating a new slightly different rendition of his song. He played two other songs, “Lightning By the Sea” and “Victim”.
“Beshken’s music adds a dash of color to the monochrome music scene,” said senior Cole Kniffen, an avid listener to Beshken, commenting on “Lightning By the Sea”.

An artist rendition of Gus Dapperton.
Although short, his music left a lasting impression on the audience. The mix of trippy visuals, booming bass, as well as his melodic vocals usher in a sense of wonder upon his listeners.
Gus’s music soothes the soul and encourages light hearted feelings, but his concerts are a non-stop dance party and mosh pit. In the tiny filled concert room of El Club, the atmosphere was ecstatic and the walls were pressed. The entire building shook as Gus played his hits such as: “Gum Toe and Sole”, “Moodna Once With Grace”, “Prune You Talk Funny”, “Of Lacking Spectacle”, “World Class Cinema”, and “Ditch”. He also played a cover of the Beatles “Twist and Shout” ending the concert with a crowd Surf.
This act wowed fans such as senior Joey Eble.
“I am honestly in shock. I touched Gus,” said Eble.
Afterward, Gus and Beshken Continued on at an after party that was DJ’ed by Beshken.
The term new wave perfectly defines the two artists by playing on their fresh ideas and electronic and pop-like styles. Gus and Beshken’s music transcends other genres and adds to the already psychedelic nature of new wave in a refreshing manner.