Saying Goodbye to Vine
Sophomore Elise Delikat makes the most of watching videos on Vine while the app is still in existence.
On Thursday, October 27, Twitter announced that Vine, the famous app for making six second videos, is shutting down. Social media users from all over the world have had different reactions to the news. Although some may consider this program to be a waste of time, it is responsible for the fame and fortune of many different internet personalities, and has created joy and laughter for over 40 million people.
“I think it is sad that vine is shutting down because some people make a living from it so they no longer have a job,” said Adams sophomore Olivia Davies.
The closing of the Vine will unfortunately force those who have become famous from the app to reroute the course of their careers. Although there are other social media sites which have contributed to the fame of these internet stars, Vine is the root source of their glory. Additionally, Vine was an excellent way to accumulate videos and make memories over the years. For people who make Vines for a living or simply for fun, they are unfortunately unable to continue making memories with funny videos. Despite the fact that these videos can only be up to six seconds long, some people became experts at fitting us many photos or clips as possible into such a short timeframe.
In spite of the fact that most Vine-famous individuals have expressed sadness over the loss of the video site, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook will serve as sufficient substitutes for funny clips.
Vine claims that some of the videos that have been posted on their site can still be found on the internet. Though this may be true, most users are disappointed that they will not have easy access to their favorite funny clips.
“It’s really sad that we can’t see all the videos that have been made over the years,” said sophomore Isabella Martin
According to Business Insider, along with Vine, an app owned by Twitter, any other apps made by Twitter may be subject to close as well. VStudio, an app used to string together video clips and photos, allows people to transform their favorite onscreen moments into Vines. Since this app is also owned by Twitter, there is a chance that it will be removed from the app store as well.
Vine was also a great way for fans of movies and TV shows to make edits about their favorite scenes and characters. For young people especially, Vine acts as a way to express a love and passion for any topic through filming.
“I’m going to miss making Vines about my favorite TV shows. Although these Vines were often very time consuming to create, the final product was always really cool to watch,” said sophomore Kaitlyn Petrosky
For people like Petrosky who make Vines for fun, the end of the app is coming as surprising and disappointing news. Although Vine has not been around long, making and watching videos on this app have become a major part of some people’s daily lives.
When Vine eventually becomes unavailable in the app store and is no longer accessible from the internet, people who have watched and loved these funny clips will have to say goodbye. Luckily, many other social media sources exist for creating these short clips, and there is no shortage of creativity when it comes to making funny clips.