It Was a Good One, Charlie Brown
The cast rehearses onstage before the show.
The thought of Charlie Brown and his crew, the Peanuts, tends to elicit a sense of sentimentality for most. This year, Adams’ theater department chose the musical comedy You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown as one of the two acts to be performed at Lovefest, an annual theater festival with 15 participating schools. On February 1 and 2, the theater was open for all to enjoy the musical before the cast went off to perform at the festival.
The musical does not follow any given plot, but instead takes the audience into the everyday lives of the characters, all of whom perform a multitude of fun, entertaining songs. The audience sees the typical scene of Lucy (junior Katie Lane-Waters) flirtatiously draping herself across Schroeder’s piano, while Schroeder (senior Kyle Mason) continues playing the instrument, all the while trying to ignore her pleas for attention.
Joining Lucy is Linus (sophomore Carson Weed). Just like the cartoon, he cannot part with his beloved, raggedy blanket. An accurate representation of the character, in the play, Linus’ attempts to part with his blanket are met with failure; he runs back to it each time, promising never to leave it again.
Though Sally (sophomore Mallory Boyd) tries her hardest on a school project, she receives a less than pleasing C for her mangled coat hanger sculpture. Keeping in tone with the cartoon, Sally’s biggest life problems are dealing with her teachers at school.
Loving life on top of his little, red dog house is Snoopy (sophomore Ian Gooderham). The performance shows Snoopy’s usual behavior of pretending to be a pilot and accompanying Sally with her fun hobbies.
Finally, of course, is Charlie Brown (senior Adam Garfinkle), who tries to muster up the courage to talk to the Little Red-Haired Girl, a pretty girl who he notices from afar. Charlie Brown’s classic self-doubting nature is something he tries to overcome throughout the play, and the same holds true for the cartoon.
The theater department did an amazing job in all aspects. The musical started strong with the opening number ,“You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown,” evoking a wave of nostalgia from the older audience members. From Lucy’s shrill serenade of Schroeder to Snoopy’s ode to supper, each song was both upbeat and amusing. The actors all captured the playful, innocent natures of their characters perfectly. It was a delight to watch the cast onstage; the exuberance of the performance allowed the audience members to feel as if they were joining in on the fun.
Ultimately, the energizing songs and quirky characters are entertaining to all. Adams has perfectly carried out yet another musical, keeping the traditional spirit of theater alive.